LIFT (concept)
Netherlands / © 2008 / installation in public space at Zuidas Amsterdam /  steel, glass, line patterns, audio / 200 x 170 x 1500 cm
Proposal commissioned by Virtueel Museum Zuidas 

Traveling broadens the view and expands the horizon. In LIFT on the Zuidas - a monolithic elevator without a building - the journey and accommodation are central. Earlier I realised a horizontal journey: Het Pad™ #2, a trajectory of conveyor belts in an indoor forest in the Melkweg theatre in the heart of Amsterdam.

In designing LIFT I was inspired by the architecture at the Zuidas, by science and by optical art. With the work I liked to stimulate the senses of the audience in such a way that the mind can wander and start an imaginary journey. Visual and auditory input and the sensation of movement ensure that. Line patterns on the inside and outside of the shaft create a moiré effect when LIFT is moving up and down. The sound inside the installation is a modulation of an alpha frequency with an audible low frequency (± 40 Hz).

During walks through the area seven proposals for art works in public space were presented by the seven selected artists (Arik Visser, Linda Nieuwstad, Zhifei Yang, Richtje Reinsma, Su Tomesen, Patty Groot Bluemink, Yasser Ballemans). I took the Board of the Virtueel Museum in a boom lift to have them experience LIFT.

In the end none of the proposals have been realised.

Thanks: Lectoraat Kunst en Publieke Ruimte, Sandberg Instituut, Jeroen Boomgaard, Henk de Vroom, Mark Kremer, Marina de Vries, Friedli/Van der Hoeven, KONE liften, LTF liften, Cees Buschman, architect Falco Webbink, sound artist Bas van Koolwijk, Imke Ruigrok, Fortron, Riwal

Article in Nieuwe Wereld (New World): Meester van je eigen gedachten (Master of your own thoughts) by Nathanja van Dijk, 2008, published by Virtueel Museum Zuidas, Amsterdam