Godot in Cuba
Cuba - Netherlands / 2005-2006 / 3, 4, 6 and 8 channel video installation / DV-pal, 4:3, colour, stereo / each channel 9'18''

When traveling Cuba for the first time in 2005 I noticed that the high amount of people hanging in the streets. Of course this phenomenon is known from countries where the sun is shining every day and unemployment is reasonable. After many conversations with Cubans I considered this hanging in the streets as a metaphor for waiting, waiting for something to happen. In August 2007 Fidel Castro turned 81 years and the Revolución was almost 49 years old. The frustration about the system was enormous, but most of the people I talked to don't dare to hope for the better: "Fidel has the health of a child! He can become 200!"
The title of the video installation refers to Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. In the play the hopelessness of the human existence plays a central part. Hardly anything happens in the play. Neither in the video installation. Note: the people in the video are not the ones who told me about their frustrations.

Screenings and exhibitions:
2010-2012 Part of CASZuidas, Contemporary Art Screen Amsterdam, curated by Jan Schuijren
2008 Part of Screen Capricious in Williamsburg New York City, curated by Amy von Harrington
2008 Videowall, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, installation for 4 windows, curated by Joeri de Vos
2006 Wildbeaming in public space, Sign, Groningen, curated by Marie-Jeanne Ameln
2006 Pleinmuseum at Lowlands festival, Biddinghuizen, installation for 8 screens (see pictures herunder)
2006 11 at Kunstvlaai 6, Amsterdam, installation for 3 screens
2006 Sandberg videopremière in Club 11 in the legendary Post CS building in Amsterdam, installation for 6 screens, produced by Brian Boswijk, curated by Jos Houweling and Marjo van Baar (see pictures herunder)