Stroom (Stream, but also Current)
Netherlands / 2006 / single channel video / DV-pal, 4:3, colour, stereo / 2'28''
Stroom is the outcome of a residency at Het Mobiele Atelier at the main Tax Office, de Belastingdienst, in the Netherlands. The residency was part of the Atelier Rijksbouwmeester program 2006 and managed by Robert-Jan van Bottenburg from VROM. Together with artist Nathalie Bruys I composed the repetitive and etheric soundtrack for the video.
Stroom shows clouds passing the new and renovated buildings of the Tax Office and works of artist Rob Birza. The images are cut with machines processing the (in the Netherlands famous) blue envelopes that contain important information for all tax payers. The third ingredient of the video / video-loop is me standing in the middle of people working at the office, a performative part.

To get permission for filming the - in the Netherlands famous - blue envelopes at the specific location was not easy. I aspired to present the video as a screensaver at the computers of the employees, but unfortunately this, among other things, was not possible. In Dutch: "Verder heeft .... al eerder aangegeven dat de video als screensaver niet lukt. Ook bij navraag blijkt dan we op onze systemen geen vreemde zaken zetten als filmpjes e.d.. De enige screensaver is een belastingdienstplaat die standaard op de pc's is geïnstalleerd. Dat mensen zelf een andere foto erop zetten is al afwijkend."
2007 Circus Design presents Circus Cinema, Amsterdam, curated by Rogier Klomp
2006 Grand Café of the main Tax Office in Apeldoorn
PRESENT, Kunst bij Rijksgebouwen 2004-2006, 2007, p. 404-405