Tree Feller (Philip)
South Africa - Netherlands / 2017-2020 / single screen video installation / HD video, 16:9, colour, stereo / 1'05", loop
People who look for work in public space in Johannesburg: Are they getting work or customers today? Perhaps tomorrow? Or the day after? The video Tree Feller (Philip) which I edited early 2020 - before Covid entered the Netherlands - bizarrely matched with freelancers waiting or looking for jobs during the lockdown(s).
During the filming of Street (2017) - part of video installation Street Vendors - I came across this situation in a suburb of Johannesburg. I got permission from the man, Philip, to film him.
2022-2023 vdhp-videobiennale, Amsterdam
2020 Unlocked/Reconnected, CBK ZO, Amsterdam, selected by Annet Zondervan
2020 Solo exhibition Joburg Hawkers, Zuid-Afrikahuis, Amsterdam
2018 A re-edit is part of the film Street